I am still here, even though I haven't blogged in over a month!!
So whats new?
Well, I am nearly at the end of my second year at uni (how did that happen??) and I've completed one exam in macromolecues (proteins and all that jazz), that went much better than expected.
I have a house (nearly) secure for next year, with 3 other girls from church, just need to find a 4th housemate.
I am actually loosing the weight thanks to the new diet, even if it has been hard for me and those around me, (thanks for putting up with me!!). At the first weigh in I'd lose 3kg in just over 3 weeks :).
I'm starting to get more involved in the youth work at King's, the 11-15's age group, where I feel my heart lies more.
We didn't get the grant that we applied for, for the summer project, but there are plans being made that will hopefully still make it possible, and prayers are appreciated.
On a more serious note, God has been showing himself so much to me, both through events in my life, placing people, and things like Bible verses in my life at the time when I need, as well as showing the power of pray etc, in other peoples lives. It's been a great month, and whilst I know that there is still a lot of room for growth and improvement (as there always is) its going to be an exciting, challenging, tough at times, worthwhile thing.
This has been a bit of a random, all over the place, post, kind of how my head is at the moment. Things are changing, my housemates are moving to do years in industry, I'm going into my final year of uni, and have no idea what comes next, its a bit of a muddled, mixed up time, but new things are just around the corner.
I'll try to be back with a more in depth, proper post soon.
Until then
Clare xxx