I'm writing this sat on my bed on the evening of my 30th birthday. It's strange to think how life is different now from ten years ago. I don't mean in the world, although this is true as well, but for me.
10 years ago, I was about to move to a new city and start university, for the first time, and since then my life has gone in so many directions. There are so many things that I have done, so many people that I have met, and sitting here now, at the beginning of the final year of my second degree, I could never have predicted that this is where I would have ended up. One day I need to document my Journey to this point, to see where God has led me, but this is a different story. Time is a strange thing, and Age is a lot less relevant to me now than it was 10 years ago. Back then the fact that I was 1 year older than most of my flat mates bothered me. Now I am 4 years older than one of my course mates and 9 years older than another, but this isn't an issue anymore. I have realised that I have as much to learn from them as they have from me.
It's funny, when I was drafting this in my head, I had lots to say, now I'm typing it, it's all gone. I suppose the main thing that I have got from today is that it doesn't matter your journey, your history or your age, when you are surrounded by amazing people, who love you for who you are all of that has paled into insignificance. Today, I have felt so loved and blessed by those I am honoured to call friends and family. Today I have been reminded that I am loved, that I am worth something and that I have something to live for. Today, I may have turned 30, but you know what, that's just a number. What I'm going to do with this year, what God is going to with this year, is what is important! And hopefully, in 10 years time, when I look back on my 30's I'll be able to look back over as many adventures, laughter, friendships, love and the odd curve ball and see what is really important, God!
Take care,