Saturday, November 04, 2006


I'm at home!! Yay! I came back for my brothers birthday, which was yesterday, and going back to Portsmouth on Sunday evening.
This is the blog I wrote on the back of an envelope yesterday, during the journey home:
I'm so excited to see everyone again, but I've also realised that I've reached a place where I feel settled in Portsmouth! I am going to miss everyone. Being able to go to sleep and not be woken up again in the middle of the night! Knowing the there won't be people in the kitchen, no visitors, knowing that I can't just go up a few floors for a chat! Don't get me wrong, I am sooooo looking forward to seeing my family, people from church and Bristol. But Bristol doesn't have the Spinnaker Tower, I can't go to the beach or get lost with friends. If anything I feel more settled in Portsmouth than in Bristol! I know more people, just walking to the train station I saw someone I knew from Kings. That never happened in Bristol! I also go out more, see more films, go out for coffee...! Despite everything, I really am loving my life.
As I mentioned, I am going home. I arrived 5 weeks tomorrow, in Portsmouth. I woke up at 8 this morning, I didn't have a lecture until 1!! I eventually got up, assembled my packing, went to King Henry building, got a maths test that is due on monday, but I did it in half an hour and have handed it back in, went to the chaplaincy for a chat, went to my lecture, bought lunch, ate lunch, packed, washed up, left! normality really.

We're now sat at Southampton Central, must visit Karen at some point.
Is it just a British thing that means we don't talk on trains. We have books, music, food, conversation seems meaningless, so we just sit. Wierd!
Everyone seems to be going home this weekend: Ben, Stu, Sam, Dan (not planned tho!), Joe and Clare, in some ways I'm glad to be going home aswell. Its going to be so quiet.

So there are my thoughts, my blog, from the back, and front, of an envelope. And at some point there was a beautiful view!
Have fun!!

Ruth x

p.s. I might start signing this Clare (no i!!)

Clare x

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