Thursday, November 15, 2007

For the first time...

in a while, I really wish that I could go home.

I got two texts this morning from my mum, telling me that my brother was taken to hospital at around 5 this morning with appendicitis, and that they are going to operate on him sometime in the next day or so. I know that everything should be ok, but that doesn't detract from that fact that I want to see him and be with my family, and that I feel really alone right now.

If I go home, it'll cost quite a bit, there will be nothing I can do, and I'll probablly end up missing all my Friday stuff this week. If I stay here, I'll worry, but at least I have a good support network. Hmmm...

Can you please pray for him, his girlfriend whose with him, and us please? Thank you :)

Ruth xx

He went into theatre at 10:45. No idea how long he's going to be in there.

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