Saturday, March 31, 2007


I'm going home today!! Yay!!

Sorry for the fact that I haven't posted for a while...but my main reason, excuse, that I've been ill... :(.

Hopefully there will be one or two post whilst I'm at home...!!!

But for now...

Clare xxx

Friday, March 23, 2007


As usual, I have gone a few days without blogging and I have no idea what to write here. Oh well...

We had a practical on Wednesday in extracting DNA from E. Coli. It was really interesting, if slightly tedious... Having to shake a bottle of solution for half an hour wasn't fun...!! But hey, we got results, not the purest possible, butn I was happy with it! I've run out of ideas. I'm sat in Jamochas...I have been in this shop everyday it has been open since last Saturday...James is on the phone next to me, Ben is two seats up from me on another computer and Dan is kinda working!!

Do be do be doooo!!

Clare xxx

Monday, March 19, 2007


I am proving my true worth as a Brit by talking about the weather. Because it is defiantly well worth talking about!!

Today: the sun shone, it was cloudy, there was rain, there was hail, there was wind and there was snow!!! Its march...why is there snow???

Oh broadcast over...!! :D

Clare xxx

He did it!!

For the first time in over a year, Raikkonen managed to finish a race, and WIN with out the car breaking or making a silly mistake...!! On the down side, I am REALLY tired and going through the hyper stage....:S! I also can't type!

Tyhat was a totally random post bought to you by my tiredness :P

Clare xxx

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Just thought I would do a very quick post before the race...

For some reason it feels earlier (?later) than yesterday, 2am seemed natural yesterday, it seem silly today :S. Maybe that's because I tried to get a few hours sleep first, and slept like a child before Christmass, waking up every 5 minutes to see if it was time yet...!! But now it nearly is time. And this is just proving how mad, (and very tired!!) I am!!

Clare xxx

Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm still here...

As Ben pointed out earlier I haven't posted in a few day, so this mainly just to say that I have...!!

In other news, we were looking at ameoba and other protists today. I got kind of attached to my ameoba...oops! I named him Bob! Hehe! Unfortunately, he didn't make it through the practical...

That is a little bit of my randomness shared with you today!

Until next time...

Clare xxx

Monday, March 12, 2007


I really want some chocolate, or hot chocolate or something chocolaty...grrr...I know why I gave it up for lent, but it's been really hard at times... :(, oh goes on...!!

Clare xxx

Friday, March 09, 2007

That was the week that was...

Ok, the title's not great, but I have no idea what else to put. My friend Karen is down for the weekend from Southampton..!!! Yay!! We had tea in 'Spoons tonight and now we're at Dan's with Dan (obviously...), Ben, Ineke, and Hayley playing cards and listening to music.

We had a lab on Wednesday continuaing with our microbiology work. We had to streak agar plates with a culture mix to separate them, did a pour plate with diluted E.Coli solutions and made blood agar, onto which we smeared bacteria from our teeth...ew!

Now Dan is playing Bon Jovi, You give love a bad name very loudly...!!!

On Thursday we had to go back to look at our!! Then I had brunch in Jamocha's with one of my course mates before tutorial.

Today was quiet, washing, tidying, had breakfast at 'Spoons, at a very unreasonablt 9:30...on a day when I could have had a lie in...!!! Might explain why I'm so tired now..!!

The real excitement was yesterday when we had more water trouble with a burst pipe and flooding on the top floors, and no water for a few!! Oh goes on...!

Week report finished

Over and Out

Clare xxx

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tuesday Cell

Its been two days since cell group. I've been meaning and wanting to write about it, but I've really struggled to find away to communicate it effectively. I'm going to try my best now, but who knows what will happen.

The main point of the evening was just to spend a lot of time in prayer and worship and really come open hearted to God and honestly and openly talk to Him and meet with Him.

We started with a time of worship, writing a letter to him and just thanking and praising Him.

We were asked about things that we would like prayer for, things that we felt needed prayer for. I had two major points weighing on my mind. One was a connection with God, something that I have felt slipping and fading, the other being mental healing. We were then asked if we felt more comfortable praying in small groups, which I did. At that time, even though there were only 7 of us, I felt like that was still too many. So we split, with Dan, Dan, Ben and Matt in one group and Rachel, Adam and I in the other group.

TBH, I was dreading it, I had to be open and honest, and that meant revisiting painful things. Not something anyone wanted to do. I had been vauge about the cause of the emotional hurt in the larger group, and it was good to feel able to tell the others what was going on. I didn't manage it with out the inevitable tears but there was so much love and comfort around me I felt safe to do that and almost forget the situation and focus on God and the prayers.

I don't know how long we were praying for. But the more we prayed to more everything changed. This is the really difficult bit to explain. When we felt ready to finish praying we did. Adam asked me how I felt. I felt drained, empty. The really strange thing was, whilst I was vaugly aware of what the main prayer points were, it was, and still is, very difficult to focus on them. It was always a small trigger that could set my mind off, but it no longer feels that way. We then prayed for a filling and restoring for me. Things felt different.

We then went on to pray for Rachel and Adam for the various things that they needed.

The connection feels more there. The knowledge that I always held hasn't changed. Just the feeling and my heart.

I hope that this conveys everything clearly. I am sorry about the fact that some parts of this have been vauge but I hope that the general points are there.

Until next time...

Clare xxx

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Truth is Out!!!!

I have also decided to take the superhero test...and guess what...

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...


Clare x

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Freestyle Funk Collective

The weekend was fairly normal, spent most of Saturday in Jamocha's with Kita, Ben and Sam. Then the evening we watched Men In Black 2 and watched the moon disappear and go red.

Today was mostly uneventful, nothing in the day, then church in the evening. After church, I joined up with a group of people who where going to see the band that Gaz (our worship leader) plays in. They are called the Freestyle Funk Collective. |It was a really nice end to the weekend, nice bit of music and dancing. I'm glad I went, even if I was just following

That's it for now,


Clare xxx