Saturday, November 17, 2007

Me again

Spoke to my brother today. Rang my mum to find out how he was, and she passed me across to him. He came home today. Still can't eat properly, and is in a lot of pain. But that's understandable. His appendix hadn't burst as we had though, but there was a complication. The had some trouble finding his appendix and had to make quite a large incision. He's defiantly of college for a week, but even when he goes back will struggle with the active parts of his course. Keep praying that he recovers quickly.

Ruth xx

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Update again

Well, Tim's appendix burst, and a half hour op took 3 hours. But he seems ok. In pain, understandably, but ok. He's not really eating yet, and has two drips in to try to get his fluids and salts back up after he lost them during the night. They are keeping him in to make sure he's ok and to make sure his salts improve.

Still don't know whether to go home, but hopefully after a good nights sleep my mind will be clearer. I don't want lectures atm :(

I just want to say thanks to those people who read this and have been praying and supporting me and my family, either in person or across a distance. :)


Surprisingly, Tim was in surgery by 10:45 this morning. I'm not entirely sure of the details, but I think his appendix has now been removed, and they are currently looking at sending him home on Sunday or Monday.

All our information is coming via Tim's girlfriend, who isn't fully sure of all the medical details. I really want to be at home, but as several people, including my mum, have pointed out, there's the cost factor, and there's not a lot I could do at home. Doesn't stop me wanting to go, and see Tim, and be there.

I am pretty much constantly on the verge of tears, but annoyingly, not actually properly crying at the moment. I feel so helpless...

For the first time...

in a while, I really wish that I could go home.

I got two texts this morning from my mum, telling me that my brother was taken to hospital at around 5 this morning with appendicitis, and that they are going to operate on him sometime in the next day or so. I know that everything should be ok, but that doesn't detract from that fact that I want to see him and be with my family, and that I feel really alone right now.

If I go home, it'll cost quite a bit, there will be nothing I can do, and I'll probablly end up missing all my Friday stuff this week. If I stay here, I'll worry, but at least I have a good support network. Hmmm...

Can you please pray for him, his girlfriend whose with him, and us please? Thank you :)

Ruth xx

He went into theatre at 10:45. No idea how long he's going to be in there.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Visiting Home

I went home this weekend, for my brothers 18th birthday. It also gave me a chance to pick up a few things from home.

The journey home was good, not too busy, the train even had four carriages..!! I had a nice tea of salmon that my dad cooked. I love home cooking!! :) I looked through the massive amount of post I had, most of it junk, but some stuff I wanted, including and Amazon order I hoped would be delivered before I came back to uni, and a few magazines. Plus, the stuff to say that I am now an official graduate of the University of Interesting, with a BSc in Tea Chemistry!

Saturday was fairly quiet, sorting a few things out, getting some photos printed, before going out for a meal for Tim's birthday. It was nice to see him again, as it's becoming such a rare event. And much to my surprise he's quit smoking!!

Sunday, I went back to my home church. Only my parents knew I was back, so the reaction I got was very funny!! I also realised home much I miss the youth group when I'm not there. It has grown since I was leading, from 5 youth to 10 ish when I was there, which is great!! I had an opportunity to have a good catch up with Ollie, chatting about how things are going, including the fact that he is now engaged, how exciting!!!

The weekend wasn't long enough, but I was wanting to get back here as well. The train journey back was really boring, was slightly longer than the journey to Bristol, but felt a lot longer. I had a book, but I wasn't really interested in it. I wanted internet access to check a few things, but most of all I just wanted the journey to be over.

I had a nice surprise when I arrived at Fratton. At to end of the platform were Ben and Ineke waiting for me. It was lovely of them to come and meet me, and great to see Ineke again! We realised that I had planned to go home the weekend she was visiting...woops... But we did get a chance to chat for a bit!

We went to church at the end of the service, and then on to the pub. Then Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and Jen came back with us, making our house busy, which was nice.

That about wraps it up for this weekend. Hope it's not to boring to read!!!

Clare xxx