Saturday, January 26, 2008

Truth Time

Ok, I need to be honest about this, as hard as it is. I am struggling quite a bit at the moment, with "keeping my chin up" and "staying positive", when revision is nasty. It's a stupid thing, but it's when I'm tired, looking at exam papers and despairing, that old thoughts and feeling come back. And I really hope that good thoughts will come and over come them. I've got some great friends, but I ask if you are reading this and are Christian, can you please pray for me and my exams, that I will get thought them in one piece.

Now to make it sound like a news report!! :P (can you tell that I really don't want to learn about PCR??)
Firstly, the sky is pink. This is nothing to worry about, and will pass in about an hour, by which point it will be dark.
Secondly, I can confirm that the light house on the seafront has always been black and white, but Third, I'm sure that if you want it in red and white you could photoshop it!!
Fourth, My Japanese is done, finished, over!! I just really hope I passed, I think there's a good chance I have!
Fifth, there has been a spieght of grammar police checks happening, victims of which have included "The Whom" and "Doctor Whom". And this report will probably be stopped, checked, corrected and found guilty against crimes against punctuation.
Six, and most exciting, I have a possible placement for summer research here at the University! It will be looking at inhibiting RNase-E in E. coli. (does anyone know what I'm on about??)
And finally, this reporter is convinced that she has forgotten to add something, but she's sure it doesn't matter.
For all those that are revising, and have exams, all the best.
See told you it was dark!!
And Dan, great lamb last night!!

Clare signing off now,

good night, well evening, ish...what, its only 5:25???

Clare xx


Anonymous said...

1. "over come" should be one word.
2. "(can" should be "(Can"
3. "Third" should be "third"
4. "My" should be "my"
5. "passed," should be "passed;"
6. "spieght" should be "spate"
7. Sentences should not start with a conjunctive.
8. Guilty OF crimes, not AGAINST crimes.
9. Good night should have a capital.

Anonymous said...

:) Glad you liked the lamb, praying that stress is relieved as well, {{hug}}

Steve32 said...

who is this grammar police guy? OK I know you don't want to hear this but would you be so kind and explain PCR to me :) hope you're well and exams went swinmingly