Saturday, February 03, 2007

Didn't realise it would be so hard... say goodbye to my mum today. As soon as she had got on the bus the tears started forming. I had a really good day and I guess the I just didn't want it to end. I had to fight the tears to get back to my flat without getting hit by a car. I got back ok, but bursh into tears when I got into my room, had to fight them when I was in the kitchen because I don't what people to think I'm stupid, as I've only just seen her yet I miss her already. So I decided to write this blog, but the tears come whenever I think about it. I want to know how long this will go on for. Will I always cry when I say goodbye to my mum, when I'm 30, 40 etc?

Clare xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*big hug*
dw, i stil cry evrytime, as does even my dad
its horible :(
but at least it shows we all still care