Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A trip down memory lane...

I went back to my old primary school, Luckwell Primary, today for a special assembly to wish the headteacher, Mr Keith Johnson, a happy retirement. They did a slide show and at the start of it, it put the dates that he had been at the school, 1991 - 2007. Then I realised I started there in 1991 and left in 1998, then I did the maths. It's been 16 years since I started my journey through school, and 8 years since I left Luckwell.

Watching the children play was a bit weird. I was once one of those children, playing in the play ground, sat in Mr Johnson's assemblies and learning in the classrooms. Two of my teachers are still there as well! Things have changed a lot in in the 16 years since I started. Teachers have left, some whilst I was there, others after I had moved on; others have arrived. Classrooms have changed and moved. New entrances have been made, buildings knocked down and replaced with better ones. But things have also changed in my life. I've grown up, become a different person to the 4 year old who started that primary school. But because of the people, and the events that happened at that school, it helped shape who I am.

I was reminded of that today, of the trip to Tregginnis, of the student council meetings, and the first student council conference for Bristol school, the science experiments, the dance, the music and so much more.

This has turned into more of an essay than I expected, but I hope that it makes sence if you have taken the time to read it!

Clare xxx

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