Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Another Day Another Blog

ok, so I only posted a few hours ago, but i felt like blogging again!! Already....!

I'm still sat in Dan's flat, with Ben as we have been chatting and just chilling for the past, however many hours its been! It's been good though, we talked about a load of stuff, and I've got steadily confused by Dan and Ben talking web design stuff.....argh!!!

Its been an interesting past few days. I had to tidy my room for a room inspection, which was fun. Once I'd started it wasn't too bad. I had a chilled out day today (yesterday) and watched Thunderbirds.......don't judge me for it....please!

Now it gets ben is finding out what can turn the lamp on in Dan's room...don't ask!!!
On a totally unrealted topic, I'm going to Southampton on Friday or Saturday for Karen's Birthday!!!! Yay!!! It does mean another trip away from here tho!! come when I want to blog I can't think of anything to random..........chickens!!

I'm going to use this space to attempt to explain the Clare thing...Ben started calling me Clare because I look so similar to someone else he knows called Clare and I just kinda stuck! It is also my middle name...the worrying thing is that I'm getting used to it.

Oh well...enough randomness for now...

Night all!!

Clare xx

1 comment:

Ineke said...

glad u guys had a gd time