Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Is it Clare or Ruth?

Hi, me again...

I'm afraid that at the moment, I am going through a slight confusion over my name, so depending on my mood depends on the name I finsh my blog with....

Just thought I'd let you know..!!!

Clare/Ruth xxx

P.S. what do people think I should sign my posts with?


Anonymous said...

"P.S. what do people think I should sign my posts with?"

Try 'Brian' and see if that REALLY confuses people.


Steve32 said...

its RUTH - you never had this problem before you started university. See uni changes people causes people an identity crisis hmm I wonder how I've changed? I know once I've created a machine that lets you view whats happened to you - not a time machine as time travel seems implausable yet this idea does seem to be on the same lines so I don't think I can say implausable (ok ramble over) ok to end it's RUTH!!